Idle Online Universe Wiki

1.47.0 - May 6th, 2021


Added 5 new mafia region tasks. This will have caused offsetting and allowing to claim already claimed tasks like lineage, which is fine.
New backend version control system for a better streamlined update process


Resolved issue of mafia repeat not including old region completions
When there's a mandatory version update for standalone clients, the game will no longer close the client and force the updater to open, however will prevent closing the update notification
Resolved edge cases where update available notification would never become present


Mafia scroll content should now fit properly

Passive Fix - May 6th, 2021

Mafia scroll content should now fit properly


v1.47.1 - May 7th, 2021


Standalone resolution bugs should be fixed
Patch History
Previous Version Next
v1.47.0 v1.47.7