Idle Online Universe Wiki

v0.99.50 - Nov 5th, 2018
Halloween Event (1/2). Looking at a global challenge event later in the month.

-ADD: Ship Reset Functionality. 1 per week.
-ADD: Added guild auto-reconnect system, along with status icon in the event of a disconnect
-FIX: Names can now be changed up to level 2000
-FIX: Fixed an overflow issue on chest claims
-FIX: Resolved a guild bug that caused duplicate roster after a leader left
-FIX: FastTrack/Claim & Repeat should no longer show if you don't have enough
-VISUAL: Guild stone amounts condensed
-VISUAL: Currencies in the Upgrade Window condensed
-VISUAL: Clicking on the card icon in the battle window will now shortcut to the Card Collection Window
-VISUAL: Clicking on the current inferno tier in the battle window will now shortcut to the Travel Window
-VISUAL: Inferno Level-up will now be hovers instead of dialogue boxes
Patch History
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v0.99.50 v0.99.55