Idle Online Universe Wiki

v0.92.50 - Jan 20, 2017
Match 3 Event (End of Santa Event)

-FIX: Issue where unlocking drones was not charging I-Matter. Drone slots have been reset & upgrades on slots are refunded.
-BALANCE: Space Lab Auto Damage Upgrade should now affect pet damage as well
-BALANCE: Diamond expeditions can now be fast tracked when they have under 2 hours remaining
-VISUAL: You can now close reward windows by clicking ANYWHERE on the window
-VISUAL: Crystal icon rehaul
-VISUAL: Challenge Point icon rehaul
-VISUAL: Valor icon rehaul
-VISUAL: Chat tabs should now re-position in order
-VISUAL: Fixed blocky HP bar rendering
Patch History
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v0.92.50 v0.92.75