Idle Online Universe Wiki

v0.49 epsilon - Jul 13, 2015

Bonus Event until Monthly Event release!

-ADD: Promote/Demote options in guild, including leadership transfers via promotions
-ADD: Leaders offline for 14 days will now automatically transfer leadership
-ADD: Quick tip in mining window if not in a guild regarding stone
-ADD: Ability to search for specific open party
-ADD: Improved challenge listing system with host names and sorted listings
-ADD: Confirmations on demotions & promotions within guilds
-ADD: New rare chances for much higher modifiers on Rando codes
-FIX: Special characters supported again
-FIX: Stone selling mishaps
-FIX: Difficulty status updates not switching correctly in parties
-FIX: Upgrade caps should auto increase on inferno levelup without requiring a relog now
-VISUAL: Awful / Bad text should now blend a slight bit better
-VISUAL: Timefreeze should no longer jump significantly after timefreeze ends
-VISUAL: Completely new shop window
-BALANCE: 2k Stone padding when joining guilds (NOT retroactive)
Patch History
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v0.49e v0.50z