Idle Online Universe Wiki

v0.43 epsilon - June 11, 2015

-ADD: Opened Guild Building - Guild Hall
-ADD: Guild XP/Personal Guild Upgrade System
-ADD: New damage boost bonuses to Support Levels
-ADD: Personal Guild Upgrade: Base Damage
-ADD: Personal Guild Upgrade: Pet Damage
-ADD: Personal Guild Upgrade: XP Rate
-ADD: Personal Guild Upgrade: Gold Rate
-ADD: New hover text system for short-term notifications
-ADD: Guild Bonus (damage) in character stats page
-ADD: (Backend) Backup system for disbanded guilds
-ADD: Member last online status added
-ADD: Open party listing now shows player count
-FIX: Ascension text description
-FIX: Bug where appointed leaders could not leave their guild
-FIX: Card bonus should now update automatically without requiring a relog
-FIX: Zone progress should no longer increment falsely or show up while in challenges
-FIX: You can now leave SOLO challenges
-FIX: Issue with adventure scores not updating properly for top players
-FIX: Stronger consistency with pack purchases
-FIX: Treasure Damage should now SHOW additional damage to treasures
-FIX: Several desync/connection issues have been resolved
Patch History
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