Idle Online Universe Wiki

v0.29g - Feb 28, 2015

-ADD: 20% temporary XP Bonus event!
-ADD: Zone/world regression upon failure to kill a creature!
-ADD: Challenge window now saves your configuration
-ADD: Players in a party before a challenge should now reconnect after [Potentially buggy]
-ADD: New challenge check system to prevent players from reaching challenges they should be locked from
-ADD: Auto attacks performed on dead creatures will have a reduced delay after a creature spawns (max of 750ms)
-ADD: Guild member integrity checker to prevent dupe members/broken member objects
-FIX: Support GOLD/XP rates should now work properly for all players
-FIX: Solo xp no longer gives party bonuses (bug)
-FIX: Challenge ability resets should work more cleanly
-FIX: HP Reduction increasing challenge monster HP
-FIX: Double Attack description - removed false triple attack info
-BALANCE: +10% auto damage after not attacking for 30 seconds
-BALANCE: Clix will NOT diminish if working on a zone with required kills still
-BALANCE: Click Dmg Upgrade modifier increased from 35% to 50%
-BALANCE: Speed/Damage boost abilities now cost 10 clix
-BALANCE: Players who beat Platinum / Ragestone challenges have had most of their status reset for those challenges
-BALANCE: TimeFreeze in challenges is now divided by player count
-BALANCE: lowered first 10 creature's levels for the 2nd ascension
-VISUAL: EXP scroll-text should no longer get overlayed by damage
-VISUAL: Added level limit potential in the open party queue window
-VISUAL: New tip with status for challenge queue 
-VISUAL: Sixth ability unlock now shown correctly as lv 100

Extra Changes:

-Base experience gains increased by 20%!
-Base gold gains increased by 50%!!
-Duo & Group, along with gold difficulty challenges made much easier!
Patch History
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v0.29g v0.30g