Idle Online Universe Wiki

v0.27g - Feb 21, 2015

-ADD: New Clix system!
-ADD: New Click Skill: Max Clix
-ADD: New spanish chatroom: Salón Español #11
-ADD: New Challenge: Fruitarian No More
-ADD: New Challenge: Tribal Smash
-ADD: You can now reset Trophy points
-ADD: You can now reset Ascension points
-ADD: Optimization for minimized/unfocused client. Damage text & coin spawns will disable until focus is regained
-FIX: Adventure score bug (Everyone's will be reduced slighty)
-FIX: Issue for challenges beyond Silver difficulty
-FIX: Challenge zone progression exploit
-FIX: Issue preventing pet training
-FIX: Expeditions showing higher % yields but not providing them
-BALANCE: Daily rewards should be consistently linear in rewards
-BALANCE: TimeFreeze now allowed in Challenges
-BALANCE: Time Extend & HP Reduction now affect challenges
-BALANCE: Clix will not deplete nor is required in the Challenge System!
-BALANCE: Manual Click Base Damage upgrades are now 35% more powerful, courtesy of the new CLIX system balancing
-BALANCE: Ability cooldowns are now reset after completing a challenge stage
-VISUAL: Yellow selection border should no longer appear
-VISUAL: Moved EXP section into zone selector
Patch History
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v0.27g v0.28g