Idle Online Universe Wiki

This page lists officially announced updates that were made for the Unity clients during the transition away from Flash, with an accelerated release schedule.

Unity launched on Facebook on August 12th, 2019. Standalone and clients were released around the same time.

A mechanic to switch between Flash and Unity clients was released for Kongregate and ArmorGames on September 16, but reverted due to issues with Firefox.

Unity was officially released on ArmorGames and Kongregate on October 7, 2019. The client switch was included but not guaranteed to work in Firefox.

As of v1.22.0, Flash was officially unsupported, and the client switch was removed within the following week.

Aug 13 2019[]


ADD: In Codes window, if Ctrl+V is pressed, a HTML pop-up will appear, which player can paste codes into the pop-up, which will then be pasted into Codes window
ADD: Added mining damage and crit to the bottom right section of the mining window
ADD: You can now see current mining tile HP when hovering over it
FIX: Significant optimization to zone icon loading to reduce major cpu fluctuations during zone changes or monster spawning
FIX: New notification should no longer show when you have the panel active that the message is for
FIX: The chat window should no longer just switch on your back to party panel for no reason
FIX ::  No longer see templated ticket assets in your ticket window if you have no active tickets
FIX ::  Daily Login Reward window should now be opened, after other window is opened
FIX ::  Monster battle window should be destroyed, after Guild window is opened
FIX ::  Added level 200 requirement on arena and lab
FIX ::  Fishing Gear names in lab should no longer be out of order after tier 15 
FIX ::  World/Zone selection in card pack opening mechanic will no longer reset after opening each pack.
FIX ::  2nd pet should unlock properly now without requiring reloading the training window
FIX ::  Resolved a nasty bug with the fuel tip causing freezing
FIX ::  Loading window should now be destroyed automatically, after all needed assets and data are loaded
VISUAL: Mousing over central node will now show the cost
VISUAL: Inner node window should no longer have the bonus cut off
VISUAL: Fixed masking on nodes in the Pet Map details section
VISUAL: Fixed missing background on Pet Map details section
VISUAL ::  Fixed the order of fishing equipment sprites for 15+
VISUAL ::  Reward drops (gold coins, etc) should now not be visible outside Monster Battle window
VISUAL ::  In Lineage Level window, Day count should now not be negative 
VISUAL ::  In Guild search window, Font size for guild name, level, and king are now more consistent
VISUAL ::  In Guild Search window, ball handle of scroll bar should be moved to correct position during scrolling
VISUAL ::  Delay for monster death animation is decreased for better timing with other visual indicators
VISUAL: Hovering over mine tile no longer overlaps it with opaque glow, no longer making it so you can't see the visual stage of the tile

Aug 15 2019[]


We will be working out in-game patch-note mechanics in the next week or so, that way they can be reviewed within the client. In the meantime though patch-notes within unity will be severely outdated.

+ADD: Artifact tier should update properly in the artifact window once completing match 3
+FIX: Fully revamped premium pack window
+FIX: Eventpack should not show if the packs were already bought
+FIX: Purchases should now show notification
+FIX: Added Eventpack tip
+FIX: AFK window should now be turned on automatically after 5 minutes of idle
+VISUAL: If AFK window is turned on, Console window will be turned off automatically
+VISUAL: In Fishing Lab window, placement of Upgrade price texts are more consistent now
+VISUAL: In Pet Training window, hovered tips are now added to Feed buttons
+VISUAL: In Console window, a dark background is added to prevent interaction with other windows
+VISUAL: In Woodcutting window, if Forfeit button is clicked, then a tree is selected afterward, tree's HP bar should be updated now
+VISUAL: Woodcutting Tree Battle window should now show correct log amount needed to unlock next tree

Aug 23 2019[]


Ability to upgrade to x10, x100, and xMAX.
Added Discord button to maintenance popup
AFK window now shows accumulated gold and experience


Cleared up a bug that didn't allow you to scroll to 2nd pages in premium window
Resolved an issue with the repeatable match3 pack not showing correct rewards
You now use Left Control to toggle upgrade modes (x1,x10,x100,xMAX)
Client should now relog and reconnect after server maintenance
Added close button to maintenance
When AFK window is being opened, other window, except Loading window (for reconnection), will not be opened
After AFK window is closed, the game will check if there is Daily Claim, and open Daily Claim window accordingly
AFK window should be able to be closed, even after long idle time
Daily Claim window should not be opened twice, causing 2 same windows existing in game
Monster Window should now be opened, after player joined or left party
Further optimizations to AFK window
Optimized background fishing processing to reduce cpu load
Fixed level requirement text for artifacts
Resolved some issues with the level-up modes in the upgrade window
Upgrade window selected mode should no longer ghost when swapping to trophies
Resolved scrolling issue making it impossible to reach two of the guild buildings
Pop-up with exactly same message should not be spawned more than once now
Alternative Name Selection pop-up should not be spawned twice during player name registration
Input field text of Input pop-up should be cleared now, after Close button is pressed
Notification pop-up can now be reused, just like other pop-ups
In Party panel, joined player's pet will be shown if player is online or just offline, but not when the player is offline for too long
Badge section in Party Panel should show gained badges
In Matchmaking window, Player Number should be shown correctly for each party


some guild visual corrections + script to space evenly empty space.
changed WolrdMap prefab for beast event + separated assets
Delay for monster death animation is removed, and death animation length time is decreased to 0.3 seconds
tool+ card pack windows correction
In Tutorial section, Start button should now be enlarged to appropriate size, when it's hovered
If 'Leave Party' button is pressed, a confirmation pop-up will appear to confirm the leave

Sep 01 2019[]


Guild invitations now arrive via the mail system
AFK window will not be activated, if Bingo or Challenge Queue window is being opened
Memory optimization is performed for monster images in Challenges
Mail will now credit rewards immediately by default, and only be used for log purposes for now


Resolved a bug that made it difficult to view sub-mail attachments
Resolved an issue with guild invitations
Resolved an bug where you could effectively buy max ability level without it taking the skill points if the skill was locked, and added server-side integrity check to force reset in such cases
You no longer need to respec ascension points after purchasing VIP ascension pts in mass quantity to receive the extra points
Fixed an issue causing the last 3 stone input buttons to show as '1000' instead of the higher values
Bingo Tutorial - removed button image giving auditive feedback on clicking for no reason
Scrollbar in registration terms should now function properly
Popup for fishing boat purchase should now show correct price
Ascension category upgrades are now locked until the first ascension
Mail conversation totals now display a proper amount.
No longer flickers away from the selected message instantly when selected a child of a conversation.
Connecting from another location no longer causes a reconnect attempt.
Wishing well notifications should properly show in guild chat.
After a Challenge queue is started, player should be redirected back to Monster Battle window
Challenge name and difficulty text are now shown correctly in Challenge Queue and Open Challenge window
If last monster of a planet is defeated, 'Next Planet' activity tip should be shown in Monster Battle window
If next planet is already unlocked, the planet should always be accessible in Travel window
In Travel window, all visible parts of planets can be clicked without other non-clickable images blocking them
During name registration for new player, alternative name suggestion will be changed based on latest sent input
Reward window properly displays card packs, Wood NRG and Mining NRG
Name of petmap nodes is now properly displayed when a node is selected.
Experience should properly update in the HUD on monster kill.,
Regenerated Nets should now show up as being added to your fishing Nets immediately.
When closing and reopening the challenge window, the previously selected mode is now properly highlighted.
Password options should now save properly.
Resolved issue of empty tiles not showing up in Unity
In Pets Arena window, pet will not be shown, if it is yet to be unlocked
Null check is added to Input pop-up to prevent multiple null reference errors that block pop-up from being closed
Wood nrg upgrade costs should now show correctly


Resolved overboard resize effects on buttons in currency buttons
Made the arrow buttons for challenges a bit more obvious
Resolved some inconsistencies with buttons in Orb reset, orb applying and expedition pvp windows
Cleaned up pack size graphic proportions
Fixed typos (3+ vs 4+ away, 200BP vs 250) in Bingo window
Cleaned up hitbox on planet 5 in the travel window
Changed font to support upper and lower case in chat window
Reduced helicopter animation speed
Cleaned up text auto sizing in Guild Level bonus section
Removed animations on objects that shouldn't behave like buttons in Ticket, Support, Card Pack Claim, Event Point and S.O. Windows
Color for bingo numbers highlight set to green instead of yellow
Partially cleared bug in chat windows, spacing is adjusted, caret is now visible again in input boxes
Guild bug with wrong shader being applied, margin problems cleaned up
Minor enhancement for Challenge Queue and Open Challenge window are performed
Re-rasterize of bingo icons+tickets, top rank inspect enhanced, adjusted button size and nudged elements in tutorial section
In Pets Arena window, left/right pet damage texts should now be shown on corresponding pet

Sep 05 2019[]


AFK window should now show cards gained during monster battle
Player can now click anywhere to exit AFK window


Daily Reward window should now scale with client's resolution
In Monster Battle window, if a party member is fully offline, the member's damage text should not be shown
Daily Reward window should be opened after reset, even though the window was opened in previous reset
In Card window's card selection panel, owning card amount should be shown correctly
In Guild Creation pop-up, the first letter should now be lowercase letter
Reconnecting into a queue should now work properly after maintenance
Reverted change from last patch that caused issues with the Maintenance window.
New Planet should no longer show for inferno players


Monster Battle window should now show correct difficulty,
In Expedition Arena Battle window, stat texts should be displayed in correct orientation
In Guild Building stat panel, Personal Level text's size is reduced, and Upgrade Cost text's size is increased
In Sacrificial window, after player clicks either Offer button, purchase confirmation pop-up will now appear
Removed bounce effect from idle damage to monster

Sep 08 2019[]


Mining damage text
You can now hide tips on the right side


Petmap display issue where nodes were located in the wrong spot.
Rotational position of unlocks in petmap nodes.
Some pet map upgrade costs were switched between types.
Personal Guild Upgrades will no longer stack click events causing you to upgrade more than intended
Info tip for packs should now show again when hovering over 'info' on packs
Opening card packs will show received amount


Massive re-rasterize of fonts, increasing padding for finer outlines and shadows for smaller fonts, all materials are automatically re-calculated upon changes.
Added scaling reduction during damage animations
Cleaned up Pet Damage overlapping when attack speed is high by shifting damage upward
Adjustments for monsterbattle windows fonts and placement
Changed ExpeditionComplete to 'Expedition Complete'
Reduced the size of collected gold text
Cleaned up bold fonts in the Help Window
Arranged purchase packs font and re-enabling button anims.
Set both 'normal' and 'bold' fonts options to same weight, in order to make the bold effect null.
Fine tuning a bit of monsterbattle fonts

v1.0.0 - Sep 16 2019[]


Added ship reset button to ship upgrade section


Ship arena will no longer credit for lv <200 players
Levelup notifications will no longer recur for level 200 players who have not ascended
Fishing boat positions will now show correct boat
Helicopter scaling fixed
Boat no longer shows when you select helicopter
Can no longer select boat position when you don't own the boat upgrade
Pet stats and training sections no longer show before unlocking your first pet
Unlock Pet button no longer overlaps conditions
Fishing Min Rarity settings now work properly
Mining Goal Claims now functional
If asset bundle is not compatible to client's platform, client will download latest version of bundle
If asset bundle is failed to be downloaded, it will be downloaded again for 3 more times
If all downloads for asset bundle are failed, correct error message will be shown
In Pets Arena window, pet's HP bar should display remaining HP correctly
In Pets Arena window, pet or enemy's HP should not be negative, when they are defeated
You should now be able to click through hover notifications
Reset button on ship customization now resets the customizations, not the upgrades
Guild listing will populate now when using the tip to open the window
Spelling error in convergence pet upgrade description
Node Level sections no longer block clicks to the node itself
If player enters Arena Challenge window without ship, player will be redirected to Build Ship window
Drone for Expedition Ship Arena can now be unlocked
If Drone is not unlocked, customize and upgrade button should not be visible in window
Input pop-up for Guild Creation should always allow player to type characters and numbers
During Challenge, Activity Tip's arrow button should not be shown in Monster Battle window
Higher diamond packs should no longer always open a purchase menu for 500 diamonds
Added Kred prices for all premiums
Fixed issue causing kong purchases to be empty in Unity
Fixed edge case that could cause kong users purchases to not go through without relogging
Improved guild invite stability from mailbox


Hover texts when joining guilds for better verification
spacing fonts slightly in login , register, smaller font for status update text
Changed 'ExpeditionStart' tip text to 'Start Expedition'
Updated pet png with more defined pets , arranged Pet Skin selection window + added an iron curtain anim on containers.
When Pet Skin window is opened, Pet Intro section should be turned off
In Patch Notes window, note formatting is improved
Corrected stretching of the ship upgrade parts in shipUpgrade window
removed mail reference letter that was incorrectly set to visible.
Cleaned up some overlaying text in pet arena reward window
Replaced 'PP' with the actual PetPoint currency icon in the pet arena rewards section
Cleaned up several visual defects in upgrade window
Added background to central node level text for readability
Rewards/Bonuses should now show appropriate PetPoint icon instead of PP
Correction made on blurry fish name in caughtfish window, nudging sea star for better visibily of it
spaced fonts in petwindows name, to match pet holders on the left
increased height of the energy bar of pets in petArena window for better visibility
Witch, It, IcePork pets have been re-rasterized
Changed taxidermist tab button fonts for better readability
Centered texts in taxidermist fix item
corrected centering of text in fishing lab
Corrected text centering in fishing pond window
In Expedition, if 1st arena ship is unlocked, player will be redirected to Arena window
Arranged text in WorldSelection window
Fixed some visual issues in woodcutting windows

v1.2.0 - Sep 18 2019[]


Top HUD is now destroyed with Monster Battle window for performance improvement


Cleaned up bug causing expeditions states to not update properly without a relog
Card drops should now properly affect individual card totals instead of requiring a relog to see updated amounts
Chat window should now be opened, even with existing chat texts
Card boost timer will show 'No Boost Active' instead of just '0' when the timer runs out
Able to click through pet in order to access tip slightly behind it
Click Queue will now show appropriate queue capacity based on tier
If chat input field is empty, the input message will not be sent
AP and Diamonds will now increment properly when spawned into battle instead of waiting for an integrity update from the server
Gold drops in battle will now update the top hud immediately
Removed raycast on a ray that was    blocking user click in WoodCutting window


Expedtion windows fonts and various placements corrected
Corrected elements in challenge windows, challenge items buttons are now set to non-interactable when locked
Removed square behind artifact badge in artifact window
Corrected margins, fonts and arrows in petskin selection window
Increased size of card boost timer
Increased AFK fps to 6
Removed defect on 'Get More' button in mining window
In PM Chat, 'To' and 'From' text are added to show origin of message
In PM Chat, name and text will have different color based on message origin
In Chat window, chat message box is now smaller, so more messages can be seen
Bottom line of each chat row should now always be shown
Chat window's background now looks more transparent
Scroll speed is increased for all chat boxes in Chat window
Added a 1second transition for closing AFK window to improve loading back to the battle window
Fixed a bug that caused monsters to perform death animation a hit or two prior to actual death
Cleaned the PetUpgradeMap window
Cleaned petArena battle window

v1.3.0 - Sep 24 2019[]


Stone reset timer is added into Guild Buildings window's stat panel
Internal console is now turned off in order to reduce memory consumption
Progress text should now be shown in Party Panel
Character ability should now be active for 10 seconds before cooldown
Patch notes section in social hud


Asset bundle's internal version is now same with manifest version to avoid internal version clash
Top HUD should only be destroyed, when Monster Battle is destroyed
Patch Notes window will show patch notes of current version number, even though the notes are empty
For WebGL build, if player clicks Update button in Patch Notes window, a page refresh notification will be popped up
Removed memory/error leak that would occur each time you opened patch notes


Corrected fonts in guild window, blocked guild buildings are now obvious
Fine tuned some elements in TopRank window
Carret are now visible in sacrificial offerings input sections
Centered pivot point of top right buttons in soul or window for a better scaling on mouse hover
Disabled some wrapping mode for text boxes in party holder group
Fixed wrapping mode in pet upgrade map diamond's text box
Removed a component that made hegaxonal platforms transparency turn red in space expedition's battleships and drones
Fine tuned some fonts and placements in CharacterStats window
Improved scaling of small elements in woodcutting battle window
Added discord logo in maintenance pop-up
Font touchups the pop-up windows
Loading text in Splash Screen should now be shown with correct material

v1.4.0 - Sep 24 2019[]


Decreased size of scale down when clicking a button, allowing easier clicks when near bounds
Code Redeem now support both cap and small letters


Changed the red fonts of a disabled guild building in main window to mild grey
Aligned text boxes in mail windows, wrap mode for sub letters set to 'disabled'

v1.5.0 - Sep 29 2019[]


In AFK window, total idle time will now be shown, after player is idle for more than a minute
Version number text is added to the bottom of Monster Battle window
A Ding sound will be played, when Bingo is started, and the sound cannot be disabled by settings
In Bingo window, Register button should exist, even after you joined Bingo once before
Chat button now accessible in the guild window
/clearmemory Console command for testing memory clearing for memory troubleshooting
/clearassets Console command for testing cleaning of unused assets for memory troubleshooting
/clearbundles Console command for debugging memory issues (Breaks Game - only for debugging)
/clearbundlesweak Console command for debugging memory issues (Breaks Game - only for debugging)
Major upgrade to background networking to improve memory management with websockets


In Splash Screen,  version number is now shown correctly
If Ok button of Update Available pop-up is clicked, AFK window will be closed, and Patch Notes window will be opened
You can no longer enter a number below zero in sac offering
fishing pond should now show the appropriate fish
Patch notes will now only be checked when client is connected to server, or when Patch Notes window is opened
Patch Notes window should not show same patch notes more than once
In AFK window, if monster zone is changed, accumulated card gain will be recounted
Delay for accumulated card gain tracking in AFK window is lowered for faster tracking
Client should not download patch notes of same version, if it was downloaded before
Patch Notes window should show patch notes of latest version upon opening
Client will now check if patch notes of certain version were downloaded before and if so, client will halt repetitive download
Cleaned up memory leak when opening windows repeatedly
Cleaned up memory leak that could occur from music being enabled for lengthy periods of time
Export command should now work in Firefox, even after it's used more than once
If latest version is known during login, Update Available pop-up will be opened after player logs into Monster Battle window


Changed scaling of button on mouse hover from 1.2 to 1.1,  arranged some items in space expdetion windows
Corrected position of bingo packs, adjusted spacing of fonts in guild bonus window , fixed fonts in TopRanks window
New icons for pet arena, reduced size of claim buttons
New monster battle icons

v1.6.0 - Oct 02 2019[]


In AFK window, hour and day are now shown in Idle time stat as well
Scroll list and scroll bar are added to Game Option window
In Patch Notes window, if older patch note is viewed, even older patch note will be downloaded
Major new server-side settings system
Auto Progress Option for lower tier players in settings (default is ON)
Music Volume and Sound Volume options (saved to server)
Bingo Ding Option, along with a separate override option
Challenge Ding Option, along with a separate override option
FPS setting
AFK_FPS Setting
AFK Mode Setting (on/off)
AFK Mode Interval setting
/v command now displays built-in version of the client
In Console window, if 30 logs are shown, previous logs will be cleared to avoid heavy memory consumption
GUI Console window will now only be activated through key combination, in order to avoid heavy memory consumption
In Patch Notes window, date is now added into patch notes of each version
New Quality setting option. Experimental and will be tuned over a long period of time


First pet unlock cost now shows correct price
You can now access disabled buildings for personal investments
fixed an issue which caused the Challenge Point Icon to be loaded as a white box, or not show at all in reward popups.
Fixed an issue caused reward popups to be closed when changing rooms. This was mostly an issue after beating a challenge.
Improved the behaviour of attempting to accept a guild invite while already in a guild.
Pearls will now update without having to re-open the fishing window
Typo preventing ArenaNOAP leaderboard from retrieving scores from the server.
Fixed a similar typo causing issues with the fishing leaderboards.
Resolved a bug where choice UI wasn't showing the first option


Older patch note in Patch Notes window will not be skipped, even if the note is empty
Fixed missing icon for pet tips
Added confirmatio on settings window, where if unsaved settings are present, it will warn you before closing out
Hovering over options in the settings window will now guide you with an explanation of what the option does

v1.7.0 - Oct 07 2019[]


Event and memory management system overhaul
Sprites of Expedition windows are included into Sprite Atlases to reduce asset bundle size
Some materials and shaders are moved to common assets bundle, in order to reduce size of other related bundles


Team data will now only be updated when team or team member is changed, for performance improvement
More listeners are properly removed for Monster Battle and Guild window for performance improvement
More unnecessary or empty Update loops in Monster Battle and Guild window are removed for performance improvement
In chat window, old chat text will not be destroyed and created again for performance improvement
More unnecessary or empty Update loops in Pets Train and Arena window are removed for performance improvement
Duplicated chat messages should not be spawned for Guild, World and PM chat panel
In Chat window, bottom space of chat message should be consistent
In Bingo's Customization panel, additional invalid dabber choice is removed
wont see challenge listings for challenges you haven't unlocked.
Guild Invites wont stack.
Guild Invites will now be updated when mail window is opened.
Selected Guild Member wont change upon promotion or demotion.


Significantly improved 'Terrible' quality settings, to not break damage text or buttons
Setup quality system to dynamically update textures in real-time as a future preparation when appropriate textures are mipmapped for performance purposes on lower quality settings
In Bingo's Customization panel, chosen Dabber or Free Slot will be highlighted correctly
The targetting order drone will no longer display a leading 0 in its description in the upgrade window.

Server Update - Oct 09 2019[]

-ADD: Max Series Tier 125 from 100
-ADD: Max Inferno Tier 100k from 75k
-ADD: Max Arena Level 400 from 350
-FIX: Bug relating to guild mail causing errors
-FIX: Several issues outlining connection problems for Unity
-FIX: Improvements for tickets and kongregate api

v1.8.0 / v1.9.1 - Oct 10 2019[]


Massive new button event handling system with tracking to improve memory detection


PetPack queue count should now show
Cleaned up a huge cpu and memory killer in fishing window
Resolved a memory leak in woodcutting overlay
For WebGL client, PlayerPrefs will not be used for WebGL client, as part of fixes to avoid 'Operation is insecure' issue
For WebGL client, 'Remember Me' option is removed in Login screen as part of fixes to avoid 'Operation is insecure' issue
For WebGL client, music and sound settings will only be loaded after player is logged into account, as part of fixes to avoid 'Operation is insecure' issue
In Monster Battle window, correct card amount should now be shown
In Monster Battle window, ability cooldown timers should show correct cooldown time
Ability timer is now counted in milliseconds for higher accuracy
Cards displayed from opening packs should no longer break for high-end players
Fishing points will now update after a catch without requiring re-opening the fishing window
Export function should include team data class appropriately again
In Monster Battle window, Time bar should be shown correctly even after Time Freeze is cast
In Firefox, pasting code should now always work without crush
Resolved a major bug preventing some users from investing stone, and interacting with several other guild elements if the leader had the investment requirement settings above an integer max


Card amount preview from packs is now condensed
Cleaned up Monster level text into condensed form and larger font
Slightly increased the card pack count font size
Experience text will no longer remain static and still on terrible quality settings
CardsWindow multi-rez
Beast window multi-rez
In Monster Battle window, time bar's image should be updated consistently with time text
Total idle time indicator will no longer flicker between 1 and 2 lines in the afk window

v1.10.0 - Oct 14 2019[]


You can now downgrade using the x10, x100 and MAX modes in the upgrade window
Improved window loading flow after first-time downloads
DPS is now calculated serverside instead of attempting to capture your dps client-side
New 'Damage Text' Toggle setting to disable all damage texts in battle window
New 'Party Damage' toggle setting
New 'Mining Damage' toggle setting
New 'Experience Text' toggle setting
New 'Drop Text' toggle setting
Sacrificing should now cleanly round down to what you can afford
Ability to kick offline team members returned
Sacrificial Offer caps increased to 10k and 100k (gold and fish)
For WebGL client, player can now copy and paste into all existing input fields directly, except Chat input field
New claim tip on the taxidermy in fishing if a claim is available


Fixed an issue introduced with the button event rework causing challenge buttons to not be properly indicated when clicked.
Input window no longer freezes when trying to buy dynamite
Significant optimizations to battle processing with the removal of many areas of DPS updates on the client
Cleaned up significant performance issues with the soul orb window
Reduced significant lag caused by debug functions during errors from the new background event management system
Lineage can now properly be claimed on milestones instead of a day after the milestone
Tickets in support are now ordered from most recent to oldest
Caught fish window will show total fish pts obtained instead of the per-fish value
Guild invites should now work consistently.
In Chat window, only visible chat panel will now be updated
In Console window, Clear button should now clear the log
In Console window, log will now be cleared after 15 commands are executed, or responses are received
Client should no longer load and show the Unity logo
Resolved an issue with event tracking system that was potentially causing big slowdowns in windows
Taxidermy will now update when interacting with it properly


Challenge window multi-rez , CharacterStat window multi-rez
CharacterUpgradeWindow multi-rez
Zone select moved up further away from center of battle window
Removed caught fish shader causing leaks of other fish from the spritesheet to leak into view
Chat and Daily Reward window multi-rez
In Monster Battle window, Coin and damage texts should now be displayed behind party panel and skill description panel

New Update[]

New Update - Still v1.10.0, but requires hard refresh:

-Fixes some input issues (reverted back as the paste feature breaks for most - keep using right click on Web version)
-S.O's should now update in the sacrifice window
-Multistrike will no longer show x10 of actual value
-Cleaned up a performance (over time) bug 

v1.11.0 - Oct 18 2019[]


Different level modes in the upgrade window should now round down to what is affordable
New option to disable currency drops on screen in Visual category
New setting for enabling or disabling guild investments in the guild chat. Defaulted to ON.


Resolved issue for sacrificial offering window not showing total offers properly
Issue causing canvas to be the wrong minimum size on webgl.
Incorrect value being displayed for multi-strike chance.
Player can now copy/paste text into input fields in Login Screen and Codes window through WebGL native input dialog again
Additional optimizations for memory management
Cleaned up resource management on spawned currencies in the battle window occasionally causing errors in the background
Closed tickets can't be updated and this was causing confusion. The client has been changed to reflect when a ticket can or can't be amended.
Fixed an issue that was causing some challenges to not appear in the challenge list.
In Chat window, if chat text has only white space, the chat text should not be sent
In PM chat panel, if recipient's name is empty, chat text should not be sent
In Mining window, mining damage text should now be shown, when a mining tile is damaged
Received chat messages should now be shown, if Chat window is opened
Update available pop-up should be opened, when there is new version of client


Added scrollbar to upgrade window
Cleaned up Kick button on party members to not block pet section
Increased resource drop animation speed
Increased resource collection fade for a far more responsive feel on collection
In Monster Battle window, pet damage text from party member panel is now shown behind party info panel
Cleaned up chat text and sizing to scale appropriately with message sizes
Added time of message to chat
Removed chat lines and replaced with encasing border around player messages
Changed scrolling of game options to clamped instead of elastic
Improved upgrade box detail organization

v1.12.0 - Oct 28 2019[]


No added delay on pet arena attacks to remove the lockout errors
Subscription now gives +50 fishing net capacity
New Ascension upgrade for increasing fishing net capacity
New VIP upgrade for increasing fishing net capacity
Halloween event and Halloween Global


Stability improvements on login and window loading
In Card window, Card Pack Opening panel should now display correct amount of remaining card packs
In Pet Upgrade Map window, pet node upgrade should start from 12 o'clock, and go clockwise
Fixed an overflow error in toplists that was causing some pages to error (notably fish value).
Significant texture size reduction in some windows, with optimization for repeated (re-used) large assets
In AFK window, correct card gain amount should now be displayed
Ultinum will now be shown in ship upgrade section
Cleaned up room instantiation to reduce initial room creation delays
If player levels up, Character Upgrade window with Ability menu will be opened
If AFK window is opened, all other windows, instead of previous active window only, will be destroyed to free up memory
Guild instances should now get updated with team counts of members properly
Cleaned up top rank issues in Ship Arena PvP
Left and right arrows should only show at appropriate times in top ranks
Template top rank items should no longer show while waiting for top ranks to load
All character screen details should now display properly.
Cards showing current 'have' count with uncondensed form in the pack window
Last online time for guild members should update now instead of remaining the same as when you first log in
Trophy requirements and progress section now operate properly


Max Pet Training Reduction trophy cap is now 60 for future exploit prevention


Changed Bangers to Anton fonts in challenge milestones info window
Report input box fonts no longer  shrink hitting line end but automatically create a new line instead
Fishing Net Max Increase icon
Reworked layout of Bingo windows
Sped up damage gold and currency text animations in the battle window
Cleaned up ability hover effect to feel more responsive like flash
Removed in-guild setting for investment notifications as that is now location in main settings
offline fishing gain icon
Tweaked bingo numbers size and opacity, increased reward resources size for better visibility
Corrected additive material shader
Animation transition on main buttons set to null in order to have it snap right upon user interaction
Have the secondary button animation set to snap upon user interaction for direct retroaction
Fixed position and size of some elements in MonsterBattle windows
Rearranged order of Bingo Packs from smalles to biggest
Guild invite window background set to semi-transparent
Corrected elements in pet skin selection window.
Cleaned up purchase item detail popup window, and to allow extra details for future needs
Pet train experience is now always shown
Mining tiles now have a smokey tint to make them obvious that they are tiless
0 HP mining tiles will now disappear, to improve mining flow
Trophy Progress bar should scale properly now

v1.13.0 - Nov 5 2019[]


Increased Max SO you can sacrifice fish for to 100k (from 10k)
More clearly communicate to the user when the client has entered an unrecoverable error.
/cards command added
5 New Numeric Formatting Options to customize to your liking
10% Idle bonus added for offline players


The client should now update guild candy appropriately and more consistently
Cleaned up a serious issue with woodcutting causing spam after hitting 'useall' between client and server
A challenge failing to connect will no longer trick the client into incorrectly thinking its in a challenge.
You can no longer access the global event until you have completed first playthrough of the event
Fixed an issue that broke the guild members page if it had been sorted by investments.
Fishing Tab bonkiness
Event miltstone requirements should no longer require a refresh to update after achieving a milestone
Scrollbar for mail content to allow longer emails now added
All mobs of world 8 are now displayed correctly
Name creation input pop-up should not disappear, after name suggestion pop-up is opened
Choice options toggling should now toggle in order properly
In Woodcutting Map window, unlockable tree should now always be placed in front of current unlocked tree
In Woodcutting Map, player should not be able to click buttons located behind the map
For Windows client, in Splash Screen, if player unchecks 'Remember Me' toggle then login, then on next client launch, the 'Remember Me' toggle will be unchecked, and login detail will be cleared
In Character Upgrade window, required level value of next skill unlock should now be displayed correctly
Wishing well should now show proper level bonus, proper level, and proper next level bonus.
Leading and trailer spaces in username and password are now trimmed to prevent copy paste confusions
Cleaned up an issue that was causing errors in Halloween Global while not in a guild
Further memory optimizations
Resolved issue causing plethoria of problems after the last bingo on Sunday Evening
Fishing NRG regen will show timer properly when above 100 but under regen cap


Pet Arena Shield Boost upgrade now caps at 35 for future exploit prevention
Fishing Net Cap Ascension upgrade now increases cap by 2 per level instead of 1
Removed Quality settings temporarily as it was causing significant delays on terrible settings giving false positive on performance issues
Changed the run time of the first bingo in a day to 4 to get aorund daylight savings time issue


10 new fishes
Font material changed in 'chat' text zone featured in Guild building window, for better readability
Improved icon notification in Fishing Taxidermy window for when you have milestone claims
Moved the Fishing Regen NRG tip up so it no longer hides off the screen
Added additional tab for browsing new fish
Cleaned up kill experience font
Reduced Pet arena FX in order to reduce potential crashes on older systems in the web version
In Woodcutting Map, background of left/right arrow button can now be clicked to access previous/next map page easier
Added some notes to the Armor Pet Arena Upgrade to make it clear that you can't go above 70% damage reduction.
Removed effects on zone select for better performance
Cleaned up empty fishing nrg tip when mousing in between the two nrgs

v1.14.0 - Dec 2 2019[]


Offline Fishing
Offline fishing ascension and VIP upgrades
/cardsjson command to reflect similar to flash cards export
New Lab Upgrade: Crystal Magnetizer
New Lab Upgrade: Deciphering Texts
New Lab Upgrade: Reverse Polarity
In Patch Notes window, Fast Forward button is added to download and show latest patch note
New Console Command /clearcache (needs to halt bundle download first)
In Guild window's building panel, player can now click on 'Invested' button to change the sorting order for list of invested members
Changed guild search window to indicate whether you have any pending invites.
A separate tip for guild invites that replaces join a guild one if you have a pending invite.
Passive background download to significantly reduce delays in opening windows for the first time


Gold sacrifice cost no longer shows +1 level cost
In Patch Notes window, patch note will now only be downloaded based on player interaction with UI
If player enters window through activity tip, clicking window's Close button will bring player back to Monster Battle window
In Guild building's stat panel, player can now view ranking of all guild members through up and down arrow button
If player is on last planet, 'Next Planet' tip should not appear in Activity Tips
Guild Tips should properly remove themselves once you join a guild.
Bug that caused the displayed expedition points to be incorrect.
Bug causing weird visual health behavior in pvp ship arena.
Monster background should now be displayed correctly, after player is returned from series challenge
Chat messages should not be repeatedly displayed in all chat panels, after player is returned from any challenge
In Party Chat, messages can now be seen
Party chat messages will not be deleted, unless the team is changed
Last party chat message will not be duplicated, after player is back from Challenge
In Console window, command output should be fully displayed without any part cut off
Loading screen should now show immediately after a challenge is aborted or finished.
Added a guild invite check to opening the guild search window.
Reward window showing wrong values from woodcutting and expeditions fixed
Fixed an issue that was causing mail to not refresh if opened from tool tips


Reduced Splash screen download size by 38% to speed up initial loading
Reduced Pet Upgrade Map window size by 50% and removed bloated background effects
30 Day sub pack now gives +10% offline fishing efficiency


When Guild window is opened, Monster Battle window should not be seen in background
Expedition windows multi-rez + corrected placement of various elements
In Guild Members window, Inspect button now does not look like it's disabled
Details of inspected guild member can now be viewed properly
Comma as decimal character should now work properly
"None" removed from condensing option
Downgrade mode showing enabled when it was not in Lab Upgrades cleaned up

v1.15.0 - Dec 23 2019[]


You can now level artifacts by x1, x10 and x100
For Standalone client, if player clicks back into client while it's in AFK mode, the first click will not close AFK window
Santa Event. New Throw All ability.
Guild member party join option added to the settings window, as a replacement to the one in the guild window
Backup login attempt to help with some users experiencing issues reaching our authentication server.
50% of Artifaction investments will be credited


In Woodcutting Tree Battle window, tree should not be changed after it is clicked
Club claims should now show correct rewards in popup
Guild offline member time should no longer cut off
Guild investment message should now appear in Chat window
Challenge window should now be closed, when player attempts any challenge with difficulty higher than Bronze I
Resetting a building should now properly update other guildmates in a timely manner and broadcast to guild chat that its been done.
Connecting from a second location should no longer force an immediate reconnect.
If Guild leader enhances Wishing Well with gold, all players should receive the enhancement notification in Chat window
If Monster Battle window is not active, pressing ability shortcut keys should not activate abilities
In Console window, pressing buttons should not spawn huge space in console text area
You can now set the min level in matchmaking to above 3 digits in searches
Guild bonuses should now apply immediately on joining a new guild.
Made it more clear when a users authentication has failed.
Fixed an issue showing some challenges as unlocked when they had not yet been unlocked.
Fixed an issue where the text on the fastforward button during arena battles wasn't being reset properly between attempts.
Fixed an issue that was causing guild building levels to show incorrectly after investment.
Currencies should now update properly after daily login
Guild member investments should update appropriately after investments process
Rewards should no longer show misrepresented values
Offline fishing will no longer have you frequently lose taxidermy progress


Santa Event Tier affects packs and rewards
Completing Santa Event when already owning the artifact will now tier it up
Santa event and pack rewards have been increased significantly


Cleaned up lab upgrade text from being too small to read
In Monster Battle window, activity tip's color should be recovered after it's clicked
Fisihng pond reworked for better caustic effects, some animation added to simulate water reflection and such
Pivot point of monster's image changed in MonsterBattle window in order to have them stick to the bottom instead of plain center
TrophyUpgrade prefab fonts set with drop shadow to match the general look
Game option's party password set to handle both small and cap letters
Correction made to previous chat windows multi-rez, in order to have the width being constant while the height only get scaled
In Expeditions PVP Leaderboard window, weekly reward stats for different ranks should now be displayed
In Expeditions PVP window, player's rank number is now shown correctly
In Top HUD menu, if mouse pointer is not on certain button, the button's color should be faded to its original color
If player has no 2nd pet, the 2nd pet slot in Guild Member Inspect panel will be shown empty
In Bingo window, Panda dabber should now be displayed correctly
In Woodcutting Tree Battle window, the Next Tree bar should be shown empty, if there is absolute no log gained before
In Woodcutting Map window, Tree Info pop-up should not block the trees located in Map's middle part
Removed hologram effect on helmet in PVP challenge top rank's window
In Guild window, text and badge of all buildings are centered
In Splash Screen, login background should block player from clicking other buttons during login
Guild Settings window is removed, since Open Join option can be set in Game Option window
In Challenge window, if a challenge is selected, the challenge will be highlighted visually
If a challenge is selected, then Challenge window is closed and opened, same selected challenge should be displayed
Changed red dmg font in mining window to yellow to differentiate them from error message
In Guild build window, if investment slider is dragged to the right edge, full amount of stones should be selected
The timer icon that appears when player is doing manual attacks, should be turned off when player is not in Monster battle window
In Guild building window's building stat panel, the green progress bar should be displayed correctly based on leveling progress of the building
Cards Collectible window now shows currently owned diamond amount

v1.16.0 - Jan 3 2020[]


New Year Event


The final santa gift should be available if it wasn't already claimed
Santa rewards should update currencies immediately now
Using snowball throwall should update the event state even if it does not result in a kill
Fixed a bug that caused the delete button on a mail object to be disabled when it should be enabled and vice versa.
Reworked daily reset mechanic to try to avoid daily and weekly reset issues (experimental)
Full guilds should no longer show up in guild listings
In fishing shop window, pack of 10 NRG can now be purchased


Changed the way mail is stored and loaded to allow for time based pruning. Prevents hundreds of mail items from stacking over time.


In Guild Building Investment panel, Select button should not be grayed out, if it is clicked before
In Guild Building Investment panel, selected value should not be reset upon panel opening
Select Investment window should not appear when selecting a building in Guild window
Leaves should now let important action icons uncovered
Fine tuned monster selection stripe's position and stretching in order to avoid cut off
Corrected placement and scaling of ActivityTips in monsterbattle window
Cleaned up white glowing ball showing in Santa battle screen on load
Removed shadow of taken gifts
During challenge background image should be displayed on correct position
Several windows (PatchNotes, Match3, Matchmaking, Mining, Battle,Pet Arena,Training, Upgrade Map and Purchase) have been revamped to support new aspect ratios ahead

New Server - Jan 5 2020[]

-Daily resets should be fixed
-One time credits for those who were not getting resets over last day or two
-If you are offline for 2-3 days you'll now get credited a small amount for Pet Arena and Sacrifices, and your Space Arena will give up to 3 days max worth instead of only 1

v1.17.0 - Jan 8 2020[]


New Years event artifact should now be credited/tiered up properly if invested enough
The artifact at top of xmas tree will no longer be visible if you already received the artifact or tier up
In Monster Battle window, Difficulty text will be displayed based on correct values, after Inferno tier is changed
Artifact level up requirements will now show the correct costs


End of Event (new years) rewards rebalanced
Artifact XP credit for new years increased by 8x


Removed test mode logo on live build
In Pets Train window, experience bar should now be updated instantly
In Monster Battle window, Time Freeze effect should only be displayed on monster image
New Player inspect panel
Asteroid covering world selection planets resized to strech accordingly
In Monster Battle window, party panel does not cover partial view of event button now
New year milestones should now highlight properly
Santa no longer longer 'happy' about things (spelling correction)
In Monster Battle window, Monster Loading text is now bigger and clearer
In World Selection window, if number text of Inferno tier is clicked, entire text will not be selected
In World Selection window, if a planet is hovered, the planet will not be scaled smaller
In Pets Arena window, skull icon should now not block partial view of enemy's health bar

v1.18.0 - Jan 20 2020[]


SkipPreload mechanic on some windows (old events, upcoming features, bingo, etc) to reduce download consumption and avoid slightly longer load times
Slider for guild well investing


Cards gained from offline time should now update without a refresh.
A player joining or leaving should no longer send a bad investment message.
Opening the character stats window will now trigger an update of the information.
Guild search window should now properly display the level of the guild rather than the IOU score. This will result in incorrect values until new ones are cached.
Guild level bonuses that have allready been achieved will now have a different color in the guild bonuses window.
In the petmap bonuses from the central nodes will now be shown when upgrading inside a node.
Treasure gold should now be included in offline gains.
Removed some unneeded console sends to reduce clutter.
In Mining window, player can now mine multiple times by hold down Enter/Return key
In Splash Screen, player can now press Enter/Return key to login account, if name and password input field are not empty
If player is reconnected, player should still be able to open other windows
Auto reconnecting after maintenance will now be much more reliable
Resolved an issue with guild member offline time parsing
In Woodcutting Battle window, player can now chop multiple times by hold down Enter/Return key
In Cards Collectibles window, displayed monster card is no longer changed, after player clicks Open Pack button
In Monster Battle window, players can now press keypad numbers to activate abilities
In Expeditions Ship Customization window, players can now choose between 10 hulls, not 6
In Expeditions Ship Customization window, players can now choose the 6th weapon
Fixed a bug that caused chat to break after maintenance without a client refresh


In Monster Battle window, buff icons should now be displayed on top of monster stat section, when buff abilities are being active
In Pet Skin window, Snake skin should be displayed as unlocked skin, after a pet is unlocked
In Woodcutting Battle window, if tree log requirement is fulfilled, next zone message will be displayed
In Splash Screen, texts in Terms pop-up are now more visible with appropriate text and text background color
In Cards Collectible window, Collected amount of monster card should always be updated
In Cards Collectible window's planet selection section, planet should be highlighted correctly based on selected planet
In Cards windows, all monster images are now displayed with correct scale and ratio
In Cards windows, all buttons should not be grayed out after the 1st click
In Pets Upgrade Map window, if player wants to downgrade the central node, a confirmation pop-up will appear to confirm the decision
Weekly tips have become a toggle instead of a drop-down, leaving more room on the hunting window with tips being better condensed
In Expeditions Find Battle window, order of player ranks is corrected
In Pets Upgrade Map window, name of Strengthening upgrade is corrected
In Pets Train window, cost for unlocking first pet is now corrected
In Cards Opening panel, if a monster image is being downloaded, loading text instead of white square image will be displayed
Pet runes window enhancement
New thematic visuals added to challenge window, changed text in PetBattle arena for better contrast
In Expeditions Ship Customization window, all hulls are now scaled correctly
Changed mining last tile state (empty) to one with a rougher aspect
Enhanced bottom left corner planet in SpaceExpedition main window
Increased opacity of central wood plank in Woodcutting 'tree battle' window
Clicking background of fishing caught window will now close it
In Guild Building Stat panel, progress bar should be updated after stone investment, even if player is on Personal section
In Challenge window, if Series Challenge panel is closed, Normal Challenge button should be highlighted to show Normal Challenge panel is being opened

v1.19.0 - Feb 5 2020[]


New VIP Upgrade: Offering Discount
In Console window of WebGL client, player can now click on input field, then press Ctrl+V to open a dialog to paste text into input field
In Console window, player can now also press keypad's Enter key to submit command
2020 New Years Badge
Max pet arena now 450
Max Mining Depth is now 1500
Max challenge series is now 150
Max Pet Tier is now 30
Unlockable Snowman Pet Skin
Unlockable Resolution Pet Skin
Zone Selector pop-up is added
New zone selector for being able to more easily select zones within a planet (work-in-progress)
New years resource reward credit
Support for command-line arguments for easy-launching. New IOU Multi-Launch 1.0 tool to be released for testing to coincide


Resolved issue if pet tier/skin goes above available sprite count
In Monster Battle window, Close button of party panel's info box now works
If player enters Expeditions Arena window without any arena ship unlocked, player will be redirected to Build Ship window
In Console window, if player didn't press Enter key, command should not be submitted
If player is in splash screen with Console window opened, pressing Enter key should not create login menu
Changed reconnect to have longer fall off times and to reuse popups to reduce overhead.
After Cards window is opened, collected card amount for displayed monster should be shown correctly
If top screen of Fishing Upgrade, Fishing Taxidermist and Travel window is clicked, game should not open other window


Flags removed from main window menu items for cleaner UI and more room
Enemy stats have been moved above the enemy to allow for future expansion of personal stats
Pet rune fragment added in Pet Arena's claim sections
Party panel's info box will now be closed, if player goes to windows other Monster Battle window
Party panel will now be closed, if there is no player in team
In Sacrificial Temple and Virtue window, experience bar should now be animated based on experience value
'500 XP' text animation no longer appears, after players open Sacrificial Temple and Virtue window
In Pets Battle window, player should still see the HP bar, even if enemy has very little HP
In Guild Summary window, guild bonuses will now only show decimal numbers with amount of Max Decimals set in Game Option window
Typo of fishing net purchase message is corrected
In Expeditions Upgrade Station window, if a harvester is launched, Reset Point button will be grayed out for upgrade menu of the harvester
In Pets Arena window, reward texts of claim panels are centered

v1.20.0 - Feb 7 2020[]


You can now see card counts in the zone selector popup


Prevented bugs caused by players with utf8 encoded characters
Cleaned out potential memory leaks in Pet Arena, Pet Sprites (in general), and Woodcutting
Resolved a bug where stats/rates between 0 and 1 would cause errors
Resolved an issue with IOU Multi Launcher naming schemes in standalone


You can now extend card boost up to 80 days instead of 30


Added current world and zone into monster detail panel
Disconnect and Reconnect messages should now write to the console for debugging purposes

v1.21.0 - Mar 9 2020[]


Pet Arena Enemy Defense for damage division
Pet Arena Enemy Shield which reduces per hit but effectively deals 2% damage until you break through it
You can now perform instant runs in the Pet Arena
In Console window, console text can now be selected and copied
In Guild building stat panel, Max button is added to let player select max amount of stone
Runecrafting added to Export structure
In Chat window, chat text can now be selected and copied
For WebGL client, player can now paste text into input field of Console window
For WebGL client, player can now paste text into input field of Chat window
In Fishing Appearance window, close button is now added
Runecrafting Beta System (Level 5 Runecrafting skill cap, tier 3 rune cap) accessible at level 2500+
Three new currencies: Base Fragments, Arena Fragments, Battle Fragments
Pet Arena opponent cap increased to 500 (from 450)


In Monster Battle window, experience text should now be shown
In Firefox browser, clicking Dab All button in Bingo window should now not crash the browser
Resolved an issue where some numeric ratios above 1.0 caused things like HP bars to start showing less than full
Convergence should no longer stack/overlay on top of your original hit floating text
Center Node Diamond upgrade now has a confirmation window to prevent accidental high spending
For WebGL client, player can now right-click to copy selected text in Chat and Console window
If an ability is newly unlocked in Upgrade window, then the ability should be shown in Monster Battle window


Max Offline TIme processing increased to 24 hours (from 14)
Removed several larger windows from the passive download system for bandwidth reduction (except on request)
Major balance changes to pet arena HP and Damage scaling


Mail, Cards, Artifacts and Mining icon size reduced and centered for consistency
Arena damage between pets has now be separated
Buff icon of completed character ability should not be shown, particularly after player is returned to Monster Battle window from other window
In Expeditions Harvester Launch window, Tier 8's label is now displayed correct
Pet HP in arena should no longer show less than max when over max (from heals)
Notification pop-up's height is increased to show all names of Bingo winners
In Top Ranks window, if player clicks Top Ranks button, the star indicator image will be moved to Top Ranks button
You can now see the current pet arena round number in the pet arena battle screen
You can now see pet health regeneration separately during an attack round
Fixed an issue that could allow currency rewards to wrap in the reward popup window
Fixed center node diamond text from wrapping
In Monster Battle window, DPS and FPS text should now be displayed correctly, even with 6 decimal places
In Woodcutting window, 'press and hold enter' hint is now displayed
In Woodcutting window, if mouse cursor hovers to a tree, and the tree is behind tree info box, info box should not be turned on and off continuously
In Tree Battle window, progress bar of needed gold is added
In Woodcutting window, gold stat is now constantly updated
In Expeditions Upgrade Station window, if reset button is disabled, a message will be displayed for clarification purpose
In Challenge Difficulty window, order of Silver and Gold challenges are now correctly sorted
In Guild Building stat panel, if player clicks or drags investment panel's handle, the handle should now not jump to random position

Stand-Alone Updater Patch[]

+ADD: After patcher is launched, patcher will now check for every needed file for running client
+ADD: Default window size of patcher is now 800x600px
+FIX: If any needed file or folder for running client is missing, patcher will inform missing file or folder name, then re-download all files again automatically
+FIX: Patcher should now wait for client zip file to be fully decompressed, before it launches client
+FIX: If Update button is clicked and there is client process still running, Patcher will show message to close all clients before update
+FIX: If patcher's window size is bigger than monitor size, patcher will be resized down to fit monitor size
Patch History
Previous Version Next
Unity v1.22.0